Monday, May 5, 2008

What you Don't Know that you Don't Know!

Have you ever tried applying the law of attraction to no avail? Ever flexed those thought-feeling muscles to spectacular heights, visualized your dream so vividly you could taste it, and yet it still hasn't materialized?

Do you ever feel like you're running up against an invisible wall, an intangible threshold through which you just can't seem to pass, no matter how many conscious-creation techniques you apply and how many times you ask the universe for what you want (with a pulsating desire and no attachment of course!)?

This unseen force-field that blocks your progress and holds you back time and time again is the *BARRIER OF BELIEF*.

And you can bust it!

Go to this link to find out how with the definitive Belief Buster Kit or visit

I have received a lot of positive feedback, testimonials and endorsements from those who have used the Belief Buster Kit, many of which you can read at the website.

I received one just the other day that I wanted to share with you. It was posted on the Universe of Power forum by someone who had received an email from Universe of Power recommending the Belief Buster Kit.

I want to share it with you because it is a great example of what I call the #1 law of attraction loophole, and why changing your limiting beliefs is pivotal to achieving the results you desire.

The testimonial is from life coach Shelley Costello:

"There are areas of my life which I continue to struggle with. Recently this has become pretty upsetting to say the least.

I knew when I saw your email that my prayers were answered... I have just finished listening to the Belief Buster meditation which accompanies the Belief Buster workbook. Rather than trying to ignore these feelings, this pain and everything associated with just one belief, I did exactly as instructed, and at the end of it I am telling you I felt like it was gone, like even though as I normally would try to tell myself I am this belief, it was like I couldn't because I had replaced the belief.

Thank you for sending this my way. If there is anyone reading this who feels stuck, who feels that their life never seems to change in one or more aspects no matter what they do, you need to go to that email from Jess [Universe of Power] and buy that Belief Buster Kit because sincerely it does exactly what it says... busts your beliefs!!!!

Its just priceless and thinking beyond this I can see how amazingly well this is going to help my own life coaching clients too!

...I feel like I am getting the makeover of all makeovers."

- Shelley Costello

Nothing changes until you do! And I'm talking change deep down where it counts at the level of belief. In doing so you will change the very matrix of your being and the blueprints of your world.

Find out more at:

Love and joy,


Your unconscious beliefs override and supersede the conscious workings of the mind. They are more powerful than thoughts. They are also the wellsprings and determinants of your thoughts.

But do you even know what your beliefs are?

So much of what you believe you are not even conscious of and simply accept as 'the way life is'.
Yet the 'way life is' is a direct PRODUCT of these beliefs.

Most of your beliefs are formed during your childhood years, yet they continue to impact your reality TODAY.

Beliefs don't fade with time. Quite the contrary. If you don't change them they are compounded by the very experiences they themselves generate in a detrimental catch 22.



The #1 Law of Attraction Loophole...

Trying to apply the law of attraction with counter beliefs is like painting over cracks in a wall.

It might look clean and bright for a while, but it's only a matter of time before the cracks appear again, and those same patterns and issues rear their not so pretty heads. Until you clear the limiting belief that lies behind them that is.

Your beliefs are the blueprints and building blocks of your reality. Change them and you change your world.

Yet most of what you believe you're not even aware of! You don't even know what you don't know when it comes to beliefs! And yet they shaping and dictating every aspect of your life in every moment!

But the great news is...


The Belief Buster Kit shows you how.

The Belief Buster Kit contains over 20 exercises and techniques to identify and clear limiting beliefs and create and install new empowering beliefs in their place.

It includes the Belief Buster Meditation so you can implement these changes at a subconscious level as well as a powerful technique to release the 'emotional glue' that surrounds and compounds your beliefs.

Behind ANY limitation in your world, you'll find a belief!

It is your beliefs that keep you separate from the successes you seek, from who you truly are and from all that you can be.

They can be the gateways to all that you seek, but sadly, they can also be the binding chains that keep you stuck in patterns of failure, struggle and heart-ache.

Thankfully, the choice is yours.

Set yourself free to be all that you are and all you can be!

Go to this link for the definitive belief changing guide.

To your every success!

Love and Joy,

Aine Belton

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